Deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden today unveiled the latest National Risk Register (NRR), which outlines 89 threats that would have a significant impact on the UK’s safety, security or critical systems at a national level.

As well as malicious drone use and threats to the communication network, disruption to energy supplies has been included on the list following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year.

The National Risk Register (NRR) has been released every few years since 2008 and divides risks into four main categories: natural hazards, major accidents, societal risks and malicious attacks. It evaluates a number of risks under each category and discusses the measures currently in place to deal with them.

The chance of a new “catastrophic” pandemic is now believed to be between 5 and 25 per cent, while impact assessments for weather events such as heatwaves and storms range from “significant” to “moderate” with a likelihood of between 1 and 25 per...