New funding from the UK Space Agency (UKSA) is backing nine projects with promising technologies to support space capabilities.

The UKSA launched its £8.6m Enabling Technologies Programme (ETP) in 2022, in partnership with UK Research and Innovation’s Science and Technology Facilities Council.

The programme aims to boost British organisations researching and developing new and emerging space technologies to help grow the UK space sector.

“For almost two years, our ETP has been empowering scientists and engineers in universities, companies and research institutes to advance the technologies of tomorrow, demonstrating the UKSA’s commitment to harnessing the power of space to improve life for everybody,” said Paul Bate, UKSA chief executive.

ETP funding has been divided across nine projects. This latest £1.8m injection is the final phase.

Projects have ranged from an Earth observation satellite applications project to map global coastline trends and a material bonding method for use in the...