Tata Steel workers have been left at a standstill as the company cancelled a scheduled press conference at the last minute, in which it was expected to reveal its decision to close the two Port Talbot blast furnaces, employing 4,000 people.

The company had even held a meeting with union representatives earlier that day, in which the plans were framed within the company’s decarbonisation and cost-cutting push. However, the board meeting ended with no official confirmation from the group.

That same day, Tata Steel published its financial results, revealing the firm suffered a £135m loss in the last quarter of the year. 

The company said it was “not in a position to make a formal announcement about any proposals for a transition to a decarbonised future for Tata Steel UK” and said it hoped to “soon start a formal information and consultation process” with its employee representatives.

Community, GMB and Unite, which had harshly condemned Tata’s plans, are...