Abu Dhabi has inaugurated one of the world’s largest solar projects ahead of the COP28 climate conference, which will be hosted by the UAE.

The two-gigawatt Al Dhafra plant is expected to power 200,000 homes and reduce Abu Dhabi’s carbon dioxide emissions by more than 2.4 million tonnes a year – equivalent to removing about 470,000 cars from the road.

The plant utilises about four million solar panels with bi-facial technology that captures sunlight on both sides for maximum yield, officials said. 

The project will raise Abu Dhabi’s solar power production capacity to 3.2 gigawatts.

“As the UAE prepares to host Cop28, this pioneering project reflects the country’s ongoing commitment to raising its share of clean energy, reducing its carbon emissions and supporting the global efforts on climate action,” said Sheikh Hazza bin Zayed, deputy ruler of Abu Dhabi.

“We are witnessing, day after day, project after project, that the UAE is at the global forefront...