The ban on ‘normal’ light bulbs has come into force in the US 16 years after it was initially announced. 

The new rules forbid the manufacture and sale of incandescent bulbs, with companies that violate the ban facing a maximum penalty of $542 (£427) per bulb. 

However, an update to the law made last year allows consumers to continue to use the incandescent bulbs they already own. The manufacture of incandescent appliance lamps, black lights, bug lamps, holiday lights, plant lights, flood lights and traffic signals will also continue to be allowed.

The incandescent light bulb was patented by Thomas Edison in the 1800s and was used for almost 150 years until a ban on the technology was issued in 2007 during the George Bush administration.

The measure was rolled back by President Donald Trump, who claimed that: “The bulb that we’re being forced to use. Number one, to me, most importantly, the light’s no good. I always look orange.”

When President Joe Biden...