Engineering professionals positively impact the lives of the general public every single day, however, due to a lack of awareness, much of this is taken for granted. Whether we’re admiring a great architectural feat, bypassing the stairs to reach the 15th floor of a building, or decreasing our carbon footprint thanks to clean energy innovations, we consumers absorb a wealth of engineering talent without having to give it too much thought.

This is where the Royal Honours process comes into its own.

Recipients of a Royal Honour not only enjoy individual prestige, they also shine a light on their employers and the merits of the wider industry in which they operate. So perhaps it’s time to think about nominating a colleague or peer for their outstanding achievements?

What makes a nomination stand out?

Before beginning the process of writing a nomination, it’s worth spending a bit of time thinking about whether your nominee genuinely stands out.

It’s not enough...

  • Hi Paul

    This is an article mirrored from our E+T magazine which does allow and publish 'sponsored' articles. 

    If you have concerns with the content they publish you can voice your concerns to the Editor of E+T via the methods listed on the E+T Magazine website 

    Hope that helps!  

  • "Outstanding in his own field" .  Generated no interest so far..... I am puzzled by what purports to be a friendly, "come on guys" sort of post is actually made by a commercial provider of "honour application services" which start at about £3000 a go.  Why is this appearing for free on the IET community website