Scotland’s first minister Humza Yousaf today unveiled the £9m National Floating Wind Innovation Centre (FLOWIC) in Aberdeen’s energy transition zone.

Delivered by Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult in collaboration with Energy Transition Zone (ETZ) Ltd, a private sector-led, not-for-profit company, and with funding from both the Scottish government and Innovate UK, FLOWIC has been designed to boost the development of floating offshore wind technology in the UK.

According to Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, floating offshore wind off the north coast of Scotland is not only a huge economic opportunity but will also contribute to decarbonising North Sea energy production.

While conventional offshore wind turbines are fixed to the seabed, floating wind turbines are deployed on top of floating structures secured to the seabed with mooring lines and anchors. Electricity is transmitted to shore via subsea cables.

ORE Catapult estimates that floating offshore wind has the potential...