Example Development Action Plan

Dear All

I don't have a clear idea how to write "Development Action Plan". Can any one of you post a example "Development Action Plan".  Thanks in advance.
  • A slightly different perspective on top of the existing good advice:

    If you already have work based appraisals and planning, then select one or two of the work based development tasks for your personal plan based on what is good for you. Often work based 'development' tasks are really corporate programme management activities rather than personal developmental. Seek out the personal developmental aspects within. A DAP is about YOU, not them.

    Identify a (few max 3) long term development aspects as personal goals. These should have shorter and longer term improvement points within them. Be flexible. It's a the tortoise that won, not the hare.

    Make sure that you write up you development, especially if you are going for registration. You will need the practice in writing personal concise statements of you competence examples. Most corporate writing is, relatively speaking, waffle - you weren't there, you didn't do it, someone else gets the credit.

    Do ensure you reflect on your development, and be able to say "that was me. I did that. They <key facts> (that can be checked) were.." The latter skill is very useful for corporate annual appraisals because they become statements of truth that cannot be denied (and it helps you managers remember what they needed to say about how good you were..)

    As per competence D, create your own 'form' (or adapt someone else's). Structure it so it says what you want/need it to say.

    Hope that helps

  • A slightly different perspective on top of the existing good advice:

    If you already have work based appraisals and planning, then select one or two of the work based development tasks for your personal plan based on what is good for you. Often work based 'development' tasks are really corporate programme management activities rather than personal developmental. Seek out the personal developmental aspects within. A DAP is about YOU, not them.

    Identify a (few max 3) long term development aspects as personal goals. These should have shorter and longer term improvement points within them. Be flexible. It's a the tortoise that won, not the hare.

    Make sure that you write up you development, especially if you are going for registration. You will need the practice in writing personal concise statements of you competence examples. Most corporate writing is, relatively speaking, waffle - you weren't there, you didn't do it, someone else gets the credit.

    Do ensure you reflect on your development, and be able to say "that was me. I did that. They <key facts> (that can be checked) were.." The latter skill is very useful for corporate annual appraisals because they become statements of truth that cannot be denied (and it helps you managers remember what they needed to say about how good you were..)

    As per competence D, create your own 'form' (or adapt someone else's). Structure it so it says what you want/need it to say.

    Hope that helps

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