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UKSpec 4th Edition

The latest edition of UKSpec has been published. Downgrading of IEng competencies as promised. 

  • Roy,

    Those are two absolutely fantastic posts. You've encapsulated exactly what I was thinking in a much more elegant way than I would have put it.

    I'll only reinforce it with my usual point: when I'm going out to assess a company's engineering team I need to be confident that the engineers in every single role are professionally competent to the standards required for that role. Yes, it's incredibly annoying that industry doesn't recognise this, but in my eyes that isn't the fault of UKSPEC. UKSPEC neatly covers all the real world engineering roles.

    Complaining about 4th edition (which is clearer and will reduce frustration and annoyance during the application process) is tilting at the wrong windmill.


  • Roy,

    Those are two absolutely fantastic posts. You've encapsulated exactly what I was thinking in a much more elegant way than I would have put it.

    I'll only reinforce it with my usual point: when I'm going out to assess a company's engineering team I need to be confident that the engineers in every single role are professionally competent to the standards required for that role. Yes, it's incredibly annoying that industry doesn't recognise this, but in my eyes that isn't the fault of UKSPEC. UKSPEC neatly covers all the real world engineering roles.

    Complaining about 4th edition (which is clearer and will reduce frustration and annoyance during the application process) is tilting at the wrong windmill.


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