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UKSpec 4th Edition

The latest edition of UKSpec has been published. Downgrading of IEng competencies as promised. 

  • Also, when we see candidates working through the process we see them getting a much better perspective on how well rounded their approach to professional engineering is. Typically two things come out, candidates realise that there are are areas (maybe technical, maybe management, maybe thinking about HSE etc etc) which they could strengthen and therefore become more valuable to employers, and on the other hand they often find that they were actually underrating their skills.

    A company's view of an engineering employee is necessarily narrow and somewhat biased as they are only looking at them for a particular role / career path. Friends and colleagues will generally just tell you what you want to hear (or, sadly, some colleagues will go the other way and delight in putting you down - or dragging you into their own pit of despair and despondency - for a variety of reasons). There really aren't that many ways engineers can get an impartial and proactive third party assessment like this of their current position and possibilities. And given that the Mentor and PRA support is free once the membership is paid for then compared to any other form of consultancy / counselling / therapy / call it what you will, the cost is peanuts!


  • Also, when we see candidates working through the process we see them getting a much better perspective on how well rounded their approach to professional engineering is. Typically two things come out, candidates realise that there are are areas (maybe technical, maybe management, maybe thinking about HSE etc etc) which they could strengthen and therefore become more valuable to employers, and on the other hand they often find that they were actually underrating their skills.

    A company's view of an engineering employee is necessarily narrow and somewhat biased as they are only looking at them for a particular role / career path. Friends and colleagues will generally just tell you what you want to hear (or, sadly, some colleagues will go the other way and delight in putting you down - or dragging you into their own pit of despair and despondency - for a variety of reasons). There really aren't that many ways engineers can get an impartial and proactive third party assessment like this of their current position and possibilities. And given that the Mentor and PRA support is free once the membership is paid for then compared to any other form of consultancy / counselling / therapy / call it what you will, the cost is peanuts!


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