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UKSpec 4th Edition

The latest edition of UKSpec has been published. Downgrading of IEng competencies as promised. 

  • Philip, 

    I agree completely.  I'd been feeling there wa 5 something not quite right with the junior doctor analogy,  but hadn't quite got my head round what it was, but now you say it,  that's absolutely right. 

    Unfortunately,  I fear you're also completely right with your penultimate paragraph,  the wider world (and, it seems, the affected engineers themselves) aren't ready. It seems they'd rather just wait until they can get C.Eng, or worse still,  give up on registration altogether and bad mouth the concept of C.Eng.
  • Philip, 

    I agree completely.  I'd been feeling there wa 5 something not quite right with the junior doctor analogy,  but hadn't quite got my head round what it was, but now you say it,  that's absolutely right. 

    Unfortunately,  I fear you're also completely right with your penultimate paragraph,  the wider world (and, it seems, the affected engineers themselves) aren't ready. It seems they'd rather just wait until they can get C.Eng, or worse still,  give up on registration altogether and bad mouth the concept of C.Eng.
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