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UKSpec 4th Edition

The latest edition of UKSpec has been published. Downgrading of IEng competencies as promised. 

  • Andy,

    Others may have different durations as you suggest, but the significant aspect is that it is reasonable to expect IEng to be achievable in a shorter time than CEng.

    It has been said earlier in this thread (by Roy B) that engineering differs from other professions in having Chartered and Incorporated Engineers, but I was interested to read that there used to be Incorporated Accountants in addition to Chartered Accountants. The Society granting accountants Incorporated status (various names ending with the Society of Incorporated Accountants) was apparently set up due to the Society of Chartered Accountants being seen as having restrictive practices.... it all starts to sound eerily familiar.

  • Andy,

    Others may have different durations as you suggest, but the significant aspect is that it is reasonable to expect IEng to be achievable in a shorter time than CEng.

    It has been said earlier in this thread (by Roy B) that engineering differs from other professions in having Chartered and Incorporated Engineers, but I was interested to read that there used to be Incorporated Accountants in addition to Chartered Accountants. The Society granting accountants Incorporated status (various names ending with the Society of Incorporated Accountants) was apparently set up due to the Society of Chartered Accountants being seen as having restrictive practices.... it all starts to sound eerily familiar.

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