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UKSpec 4th Edition

The latest edition of UKSpec has been published. Downgrading of IEng competencies as promised. 

  • I can't, for the life of me, see why these analogies with other professions are useful. It's a total nonsense to equate EngTech with a Professional Nurse.  They are both admirable occupations, but fundamentally different. In professional nursing, registration is compulsory in all countries, because the skill set is typically defined and measurable, i.e. the ability to measure certain things like measure blood pressure, temperature, weight, oxygen levels, blood levels etc etc  and use techniques to administer treatments and techniques usually defined by a doctor. I think it is probable that a RGN qualified in the UK would be acceptable for  employment  in most other countries on the basis of their competency knowledge and understanding.

    Compare this to say IEng qualifications. The number of degree courses that are accredited for IEng is so diverse that you don't have a clue what was really studied. It ranges from Multi Media technologies, Civil engineering, Agricultural engineering. The competencies in one are not immediately transferable to another. It's a bit like saying doctors and vets should have the same registration body.

  • I can't, for the life of me, see why these analogies with other professions are useful. It's a total nonsense to equate EngTech with a Professional Nurse.  They are both admirable occupations, but fundamentally different. In professional nursing, registration is compulsory in all countries, because the skill set is typically defined and measurable, i.e. the ability to measure certain things like measure blood pressure, temperature, weight, oxygen levels, blood levels etc etc  and use techniques to administer treatments and techniques usually defined by a doctor. I think it is probable that a RGN qualified in the UK would be acceptable for  employment  in most other countries on the basis of their competency knowledge and understanding.

    Compare this to say IEng qualifications. The number of degree courses that are accredited for IEng is so diverse that you don't have a clue what was really studied. It ranges from Multi Media technologies, Civil engineering, Agricultural engineering. The competencies in one are not immediately transferable to another. It's a bit like saying doctors and vets should have the same registration body.

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