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UKSpec 4th Edition

The latest edition of UKSpec has been published. Downgrading of IEng competencies as promised. 

  • Good luck Andy!
    I would be interested in your views about when each of them likely passed the threshold of either/and IEng/CEng. The answer may of course be “not yet”.

    It seems that they have already followed a “long-route” if they are “experienced and relatively senior”. If they previously had no aspiration towards registration, then that is a serious failure by the profession to engage.

    If they had the aspiration, but either didn’t believe they were eligible, or what they might be eligible for wasn’t worth the cost (time, money, risk to reputation etc) then that is a failure by the profession to develop and communicate an attractive proposition.

    I accept that pre UK-SPEC (as Roy P testified), lack of an accredited degree was a huge deterrent/barrier for CEng and it is still widely quoted as a concern by people becoming belatedly interested.    

  • Good luck Andy!
    I would be interested in your views about when each of them likely passed the threshold of either/and IEng/CEng. The answer may of course be “not yet”.

    It seems that they have already followed a “long-route” if they are “experienced and relatively senior”. If they previously had no aspiration towards registration, then that is a serious failure by the profession to engage.

    If they had the aspiration, but either didn’t believe they were eligible, or what they might be eligible for wasn’t worth the cost (time, money, risk to reputation etc) then that is a failure by the profession to develop and communicate an attractive proposition.

    I accept that pre UK-SPEC (as Roy P testified), lack of an accredited degree was a huge deterrent/barrier for CEng and it is still widely quoted as a concern by people becoming belatedly interested.    

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