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CEng applying for PEng Canada


I'm being asked for a bit of career advice which is outside my experience, I thought we'd discussed this here before but I can't find it now...

Does anyone have experience of the process of a CEng applying for PEng in Canada (Ontario if it makes a difference)? As far as I can see from the PEO website the CEng doesn't count for anything towards it, except that if the underlying degree was accredited by a PEI then it will be accepted under the Washington Accord as equivalent to an accredited Canadian degree.

I won't be surprised if the answer is "it all depends"!

And just to check my understanding, am I right that the applicant will need to have worked in Canada for a year first before applying?



  • Andy,

    While I don't know the answer to this, I have contacts in Canada that I can approach for help if no-one else comes up with the goods, so please let me know if you still need help.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Hi Andy,

    I moved to NS in 1992 and had to complete the full registration process for APENS. The technical requirements were similar to IET but there was more emphasis on legislation and ethics.

    When I move to Ontario in 1997 I was able to do a direct transfer from APENS to PEO.
