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Can IET Offer back charted mechanical/electrical/manufacturing engineering?

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I remember IEE time, the Institute offered its member Chartered Electrical Engineer, I think this is good since The IET is a multi-disciplines organization, people outside don't know our specialist. If IET can offer Chartered Electrical/ Electronics/ Manufacturing/ Mechanical Engineer titles would be good for us to let people know our discipline. Now either people still think of us as Electrical Engineer or nothing, don't know us. I met people who are engineers who either assume I am Electrical Engineer or don't know my discipline. I always need to explain. I have experience in a job interview asking me that you are not an Electrical Engineer why you join IET, not I Mech E? If we can have a Chartered XXXX Engineer then no need to explain.
  • I meant retire from active employment, then the association between IET membership and IEE membership will naturally disappear and the expectation that IET members are electrical engineers will also disappear.

    They don't necessarily need to retire from life the universe and everything.
  • I meant retire from active employment, then the association between IET membership and IEE membership will naturally disappear and the expectation that IET members are electrical engineers will also disappear.

    They don't necessarily need to retire from life the universe and everything.
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