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Developing Engineering Course

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
I'm hoping to begin the cycle for IEng enrollment, I've investigated the 'Creating Engineer' online course to ideally discover some direction. I don't have a BEng at this point, just a HNC and am right now finishing a HND by means of distance learning. I have insight in administration positions and am marking on as an organization chief in the following not many weeks. I believe I am at IEng level, a smidgen of direction would be extraordinary however as I don't know about anybody I can address on this. CEng is the fantasy, feels extremely inaccessible from the present at EngTech status. 

Does anybody have any involvement in the Developing Engineer course, I'm keen on it however am aware of the cash being gone through with the HND at the moment. I have spoken momentarily to a PRA as I have begun the application structure however I've just gone similar to business history. Now I have to for an Interview
  • Roy Bowdler‍ 

    Hi Roy, I think Ryan has given a really good overview of some of the courses and resources available for professional registration but for those not familiar we have a number of resources including the course you mention, preparing for professional registration which is currently run over 2 days online and provides an overview of the processes for professional registration, access to a PRA and links to the relevant IET services (such as competence development or Registration Engagement).  For those specifically seeking IEng we also have the developing engineer course (which I believe is now called "Becoming an Incorporated Engineer" which is much more competence oriented from the description that Ryan gave and is available one the IET Academy site - it includes an overview of the process, and competence and worked examples for those seeking more detailed support.

    We also provide the practical support of our guided registration process, which may not have been in place when Ryan worked toward registration, as well as competence development support through Career Manager, and of course mentoring (which Ryan also mentioned) for those developing competences.

  • Roy Bowdler‍ 

    Hi Roy, I think Ryan has given a really good overview of some of the courses and resources available for professional registration but for those not familiar we have a number of resources including the course you mention, preparing for professional registration which is currently run over 2 days online and provides an overview of the processes for professional registration, access to a PRA and links to the relevant IET services (such as competence development or Registration Engagement).  For those specifically seeking IEng we also have the developing engineer course (which I believe is now called "Becoming an Incorporated Engineer" which is much more competence oriented from the description that Ryan gave and is available one the IET Academy site - it includes an overview of the process, and competence and worked examples for those seeking more detailed support.

    We also provide the practical support of our guided registration process, which may not have been in place when Ryan worked toward registration, as well as competence development support through Career Manager, and of course mentoring (which Ryan also mentioned) for those developing competences.

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