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CEng Registration?

Hi All,

I think I am eligible for CEng and currently in the process of my application, but the Assigned PRA insists to first go for IEng, as I am of the other view as I am well aware of my experience.(Total of 17 years experience, Post Degree experience is 10 years, Post diploma experience is 7 years).

I am of the view to submit my application for CEng at least, and if there is any discrepancy, shall be highlighted so then I can best prepare for 2nd or 3rd attempt, but since IEng is not priority to me, therefore, I prefer to go directly for CEng.

Please advise best case scenario and worst case scenario in case I opt for registration of CEng.

Muhammad Ali

  • Roy,

    Many thanks for saying in full what I was trying to say in a brief time before attending a conference.

    James, I was basing my response on the inference of "candidate thinks he is CEng, PRA thinks he is IEng so I will assume that one or the other is right". I wasn't intending to make a judgement on which is correct as the PRA has the experience in these judgments but can only base that judgement on what he/she has been told. I do agree that there are differences between CEng and IEng, but as Roy says there is often considerable overlap. I have seen many CEng who spend a lot of their time doing IEng work, while I have seen a number of other CEng who I wouldn't trust to do an IEng task. I have also seen a few IEng doing CEng work but generally that situation changes as the individuals apply for CEng as soon as they are able, due to the perceived higher status of CEng.
  • Roy,

    Many thanks for saying in full what I was trying to say in a brief time before attending a conference.

    James, I was basing my response on the inference of "candidate thinks he is CEng, PRA thinks he is IEng so I will assume that one or the other is right". I wasn't intending to make a judgement on which is correct as the PRA has the experience in these judgments but can only base that judgement on what he/she has been told. I do agree that there are differences between CEng and IEng, but as Roy says there is often considerable overlap. I have seen many CEng who spend a lot of their time doing IEng work, while I have seen a number of other CEng who I wouldn't trust to do an IEng task. I have also seen a few IEng doing CEng work but generally that situation changes as the individuals apply for CEng as soon as they are able, due to the perceived higher status of CEng.
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