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CEng PRI & Presentation


I have my PRI interview coming up in early March and I have almost completed my PowerPoint presentation but I have a few concerns regarding the technical content on the slides and I was looking for a little advice and direction please if possible.

I work for a consultancy firm who are a Type A Registered Inspection Body so my work is predominantly based around reviewing designs and assessing quantitive data relating to performance of safety critical components and electrical installations.

I have found it difficult to try and capture my role and portray it onto a slide without losing the technical detail, I am concerned I will either produce far too much in the way technical information and it appear like a technical report or too little and end up with just summaries of the projects I have been involved in. Currently my presentation is around five slides, including two projects and examples from a written publication I was part of so hoping this may be enough?

Also, the email from IET administration has indicated that the interview will pay particular attention to competency 'C'. I am assuming this is indication that my initial application was not sufficient in providing details against this competency spec? I am not too concerned by this as I have since reviewed my application and have worked through the UK-SPEC matrix over the last few days and weeks to prepare for the interview so will pay particular attention to expanding on this where possible.

Any advice is much appreciated.


  • Hi James,

    Greetings, My interview is scheduled for early March. I want someone to go through my PPT and suggest to me if I am to the point. I am afraid and a bit nervous about the upcoming interview. If possible someone who can make a mock interview.


  • Hi James,

    Greetings, My interview is scheduled for early March. I want someone to go through my PPT and suggest to me if I am to the point. I am afraid and a bit nervous about the upcoming interview. If possible someone who can make a mock interview.


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