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CEng PRI & Presentation


I have my PRI interview coming up in early March and I have almost completed my PowerPoint presentation but I have a few concerns regarding the technical content on the slides and I was looking for a little advice and direction please if possible.

I work for a consultancy firm who are a Type A Registered Inspection Body so my work is predominantly based around reviewing designs and assessing quantitive data relating to performance of safety critical components and electrical installations.

I have found it difficult to try and capture my role and portray it onto a slide without losing the technical detail, I am concerned I will either produce far too much in the way technical information and it appear like a technical report or too little and end up with just summaries of the projects I have been involved in. Currently my presentation is around five slides, including two projects and examples from a written publication I was part of so hoping this may be enough?

Also, the email from IET administration has indicated that the interview will pay particular attention to competency 'C'. I am assuming this is indication that my initial application was not sufficient in providing details against this competency spec? I am not too concerned by this as I have since reviewed my application and have worked through the UK-SPEC matrix over the last few days and weeks to prepare for the interview so will pay particular attention to expanding on this where possible.

Any advice is much appreciated.


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    I would suggest, with respect, that a colleague would be an ideal person to check out your Presentation. Just as I indicated on my last post. The staff at the IET do their upmost to match Panel Members with the candidates so that the volunteers have some idea of the candidates background and expertise. I have no idea which field you are from so, as I say try a colleague who has similar experience to you.

    I do have a series of interviews in the next week, so I am going to be a bit busy getting ready that those - so forgive me this time round.

    Regards Jim W.
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    I would suggest, with respect, that a colleague would be an ideal person to check out your Presentation. Just as I indicated on my last post. The staff at the IET do their upmost to match Panel Members with the candidates so that the volunteers have some idea of the candidates background and expertise. I have no idea which field you are from so, as I say try a colleague who has similar experience to you.

    I do have a series of interviews in the next week, so I am going to be a bit busy getting ready that those - so forgive me this time round.

    Regards Jim W.
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