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My degree hasn't been accredited by IET have I joined the wrong Institution?

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
I am looking to start applying for CEng and joined the IET as my work place is advising on this institution. But when I searched for my MEng degree it doesn't appear to have been accredited by IET. However other institutions IMechE, RAeS and IEE have accredited it for CEng.

Does this mean that I need to leave IET and join on of these three institutions instead?

Finally I am confused on what exemplifying qualification means. In the UK SPEC, the competency and commitment for CEng A to E. Does the MEng exemplify an applicant from any of these or does it just give you the ability to simply apply?

  • Andy, 

    in honesty,  I did think, when I saw the OP's original question,  that I recalled that the exemplifying qualification was  EC-wide rather than individual institutions,  even if the accreditation was undertaken for the EC by an individual institution. I was very close to making that my response initially,  but wasn't certain of my facts,  even after a brief internet search on it,  so didn't say it. Clearly,  your search was more thorough than mine.  Good to hear that,  based on your investigation,  it would seem my memory was still serving me well, something that's increasingly good to find out as the aging process moves rapidly on! Thanks for that.
  • Andy, 

    in honesty,  I did think, when I saw the OP's original question,  that I recalled that the exemplifying qualification was  EC-wide rather than individual institutions,  even if the accreditation was undertaken for the EC by an individual institution. I was very close to making that my response initially,  but wasn't certain of my facts,  even after a brief internet search on it,  so didn't say it. Clearly,  your search was more thorough than mine.  Good to hear that,  based on your investigation,  it would seem my memory was still serving me well, something that's increasingly good to find out as the aging process moves rapidly on! Thanks for that.
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