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How Long does EngTech application typically take?

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Hi, I have started my filling out my online career manager, assessments sent to PRA to initially review....I am just wondering if there is a timeframe for the whole process from start to finish?
  • Hi Lee,

    Once you actually submit your application (i.e. once you've finished discussing it with your PRA and formally put it in) then at the moment applications seem to be going through from start to finish in about 2-3 months from what I've seen of them, some quicker, some rather slower where further evidence is needed or just occasionally where the applicant works in a niche industry where it's harder to find the right people to assess it. 

    It's always hard to put an exact time on it because every application is different. If it's critical I wouldn't bank on it being quicker than 3 months and I'd allow for it being up 6 (but thankfully it's been a while since I've been involved with one where the IET  process has taken that long).


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Hi Andy,

    Thank you for the reply, just what I needed.
