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IntPE(UK) Registration

Good day,

Pursuant to the above subject, advice is required whether an international holding CEng registration is eligible for IntPE(UK) registration under the following conditions:
  • University location - Trinidad and Tobago

  • Degree award - BTech 

  • Course details - 4 years (Part-time) 

  • EC accreditation
    • Section - IEng (Full)

  • Accredited by - IET

Guidance on the above will be appreciated. 

Yours respectively, 
Ryan Collins 
  • Ryan,

    I think the answer to that depends on whether the degree is recognised under the Washington Accord. The current rules for IntPE(UK) state "Chartered Engineers who do not hold an accredited degree recognised under the Washington Accord, or equivalent academic qualification, are currently not eligible to apply for IntPE(UK) registration." This is slightly confused by the fact that the Washington Accord signatories do not include Trinidad and Tobago but does include:
     United Kingdom Engineering Council United Kingdom

    I don't know whether this means that EC accredited degrees outside the UK are acceptable, but also it is not clear whether your degree would meet the Washington Accord requirements. The fact that it is only accredited to "IEng (Full)" makes me suspect that it does not meet this, but this might be something you could check up on.

  • Ryan,

    I think the answer to that depends on whether the degree is recognised under the Washington Accord. The current rules for IntPE(UK) state "Chartered Engineers who do not hold an accredited degree recognised under the Washington Accord, or equivalent academic qualification, are currently not eligible to apply for IntPE(UK) registration." This is slightly confused by the fact that the Washington Accord signatories do not include Trinidad and Tobago but does include:
     United Kingdom Engineering Council United Kingdom

    I don't know whether this means that EC accredited degrees outside the UK are acceptable, but also it is not clear whether your degree would meet the Washington Accord requirements. The fact that it is only accredited to "IEng (Full)" makes me suspect that it does not meet this, but this might be something you could check up on.

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