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CEng Registration

I am self-employed how can I get professionally registered? I need to complete my application for chartered engineer CEng.

  • To which I would say, so what if they were any of these? Unless they have somehow magically jumped the ages between 15 and 25 then most applicants will have done more or less stupid and regrettable things at some point in their life. Some will be better at covering it up, or blustering through it, than others. The point of the process is to determine whether they are now showing the competences for the  registration they are applying for - including maybe learning from their mistakes.

    Cheers, Andy

  • To which I would say, so what if they were any of these? Unless they have somehow magically jumped the ages between 15 and 25 then most applicants will have done more or less stupid and regrettable things at some point in their life. Some will be better at covering it up, or blustering through it, than others. The point of the process is to determine whether they are now showing the competences for the  registration they are applying for - including maybe learning from their mistakes.

    Cheers, Andy

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