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CEng Registration

I am self-employed how can I get professionally registered? I need to complete my application for chartered engineer CEng.

  • mbirdi: 

    That may help younger engineers, as they have ‘time’ to make the ajustments necessary to meet the requirements for CEng, but I don't see how it helps matured experienced engineers who are in the ‘over 50s’ age group? There should be a category for senior engineers to have the opportunity to achieve CEng registration. 

    There is - it's called meeting the UKSpec competences, just as it is for a 23 year old fast track graduate! From the applicants I see (and indeed the engineers I assess in the day job) I don't see anything age related in the competences. It's just saying do you understand the technology you are applying, do you apply it appropriately, do you manage that application appropriately, and do you act professionally. There's a multitude of ways that applicants successfully show that based on their career paths.

    But what CEng / IEng / EngTech aren't, which some of these posts seem to me to be moving towards suggesting, is a long service award. To be of any value to employers or clients they need to actually show that that person meets the UKSpec competences for that level. Which is exactly what the assessment process does (no more, no less). Of course if through long service the person involved now meets the competences then they can obtain the level they are seeking. So that's alright then.

    Cheers, Andy

  • mbirdi: 

    That may help younger engineers, as they have ‘time’ to make the ajustments necessary to meet the requirements for CEng, but I don't see how it helps matured experienced engineers who are in the ‘over 50s’ age group? There should be a category for senior engineers to have the opportunity to achieve CEng registration. 

    There is - it's called meeting the UKSpec competences, just as it is for a 23 year old fast track graduate! From the applicants I see (and indeed the engineers I assess in the day job) I don't see anything age related in the competences. It's just saying do you understand the technology you are applying, do you apply it appropriately, do you manage that application appropriately, and do you act professionally. There's a multitude of ways that applicants successfully show that based on their career paths.

    But what CEng / IEng / EngTech aren't, which some of these posts seem to me to be moving towards suggesting, is a long service award. To be of any value to employers or clients they need to actually show that that person meets the UKSpec competences for that level. Which is exactly what the assessment process does (no more, no less). Of course if through long service the person involved now meets the competences then they can obtain the level they are seeking. So that's alright then.

    Cheers, Andy

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