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CEng Registration

I am self-employed how can I get professionally registered? I need to complete my application for chartered engineer CEng.

  • You know... I've lost the 'will to live' reading this sort of stuff and ongong, onging, onging typed 'discussions' .Stuff like this - interminably .......spirit draning.

    If you have a real point to make- contact IET Staff and - if its to do with eg a Committee or Policy etc then say whats what! AND WE NEED TO MAKE 'Volunteer' To lets say 'Offcial' communication easy so you can get things off your chests - and get a 'considered' reply - to you the orignator..

    Signing out of communities

    Sorry folks!


    BTW any reply to this will not be seen!

  • You know... I've lost the 'will to live' reading this sort of stuff and ongong, onging, onging typed 'discussions' .Stuff like this - interminably .......spirit draning.

    If you have a real point to make- contact IET Staff and - if its to do with eg a Committee or Policy etc then say whats what! AND WE NEED TO MAKE 'Volunteer' To lets say 'Offcial' communication easy so you can get things off your chests - and get a 'considered' reply - to you the orignator..

    Signing out of communities

    Sorry folks!


    BTW any reply to this will not be seen!

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