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notary public

can a C.Eng. be a notary public and authenticate documents

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    Philip Wardle: 
    Agreed Simon - although as many will be aware, in the UK an 'engineer with professional qualifications' is accepted as ‘a person of good standing in their community’ for the purpose of countersigning passport applications and photographs -  I believe anyone registered with the Engineering Council would easily qualify - CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech.

    Also includes the following:

    • member, associate or fellow of a professional body
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    Philip Wardle: 
    Agreed Simon - although as many will be aware, in the UK an 'engineer with professional qualifications' is accepted as ‘a person of good standing in their community’ for the purpose of countersigning passport applications and photographs -  I believe anyone registered with the Engineering Council would easily qualify - CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech.

    Also includes the following:

    • member, associate or fellow of a professional body
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