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notary public

can a C.Eng. be a notary public and authenticate documents

  • I doubt that Simon said or meant that “authenticating documents” can be accomplished by people like us. Amongst other things, because it is not true, which is why there are notaries. 

    People leave their wills with lawyers, rather than with the next door neighbours or relatives (imagine the fun if five or six supposed “wills” turn up in the hands of different relatives, all nominally “authenticated” by “persons of good standing”). Trained and registered agents, not “persons of good standing”, intermediate the selling of houses. 

    There are indeed a limited number of cases in which a simple statement by “persons of good standing” is legally required and has effect. In previous years, affirming a likeness of a person known to you on a photograph accompanying a passport application was one. 

    Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard) are a private matter; companies can do what they like. For some things they will engage a notary.

  • I doubt that Simon said or meant that “authenticating documents” can be accomplished by people like us. Amongst other things, because it is not true, which is why there are notaries. 

    People leave their wills with lawyers, rather than with the next door neighbours or relatives (imagine the fun if five or six supposed “wills” turn up in the hands of different relatives, all nominally “authenticated” by “persons of good standing”). Trained and registered agents, not “persons of good standing”, intermediate the selling of houses. 

    There are indeed a limited number of cases in which a simple statement by “persons of good standing” is legally required and has effect. In previous years, affirming a likeness of a person known to you on a photograph accompanying a passport application was one. 

    Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard) are a private matter; companies can do what they like. For some things they will engage a notary.

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