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Introduce yourself!

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

Tell everybody, who you are, what you do, who you would like to connect with and why you joined IET Professional Development, on the My Community platform - what are you hoping to get out of it?

This is a great way to learn more about others and extend your professional network.

  • Hi Louise,

    Welcome to the Professional Development community.

    I'm sorry that you're finding the CEng application process a little overwhelming, it can seem quite daunting when writing competence evidence. 

    One job role or task can cover many of the competence areas, so don't feel that you have to allocate it to just one section - if you are using Career Manager you can relate the experience to each of the competence statements using the guidance in the system.  You can also expand in the responsibilities section of your career history.

     There is not functionality to upload files to Career Manager, the IET don't require you to send all of your competence evidence directly to us but you should briefly explain this in your competence assessment.  When you are writing these statements it is a good idea to explain your personal contributions and use phrases like 'I designed...' and 'I built' to explain what was involved.

    If you have examples of evidence it is useful to keep these in a portfolio of evidence that you can show to the supporters signing off your application.

    Before applying it is advisable to speak to a professional registration advisor (

    If you have any individual questions then don't hesitate to contact me.

    Kathryn Bain
  • Hi Louise,

    Welcome to the Professional Development community.

    I'm sorry that you're finding the CEng application process a little overwhelming, it can seem quite daunting when writing competence evidence. 

    One job role or task can cover many of the competence areas, so don't feel that you have to allocate it to just one section - if you are using Career Manager you can relate the experience to each of the competence statements using the guidance in the system.  You can also expand in the responsibilities section of your career history.

     There is not functionality to upload files to Career Manager, the IET don't require you to send all of your competence evidence directly to us but you should briefly explain this in your competence assessment.  When you are writing these statements it is a good idea to explain your personal contributions and use phrases like 'I designed...' and 'I built' to explain what was involved.

    If you have examples of evidence it is useful to keep these in a portfolio of evidence that you can show to the supporters signing off your application.

    Before applying it is advisable to speak to a professional registration advisor (

    If you have any individual questions then don't hesitate to contact me.

    Kathryn Bain
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