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Introduce yourself!

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

Tell everybody, who you are, what you do, who you would like to connect with and why you joined IET Professional Development, on the My Community platform - what are you hoping to get out of it?

This is a great way to learn more about others and extend your professional network.


  • Hi,

    I did something very similar to this myself. You are definitely in
    the right professional body as here you'll be able to develop
    various strings to your bow.

    Worked as an electronics technician back in the 70s, left the
    engineering side of things and went off and did something
    completely different, then after seven years retrained as an
    electrician and continued retraining, became a teacher while
    running a small electrical business and was invited to join the
    IEE. Soon after that it became the IET, which is perfect for all
    those Raspberry Pie enthusiasts.

  • Hi,

    I did something very similar to this myself. You are definitely in
    the right professional body as here you'll be able to develop
    various strings to your bow.

    Worked as an electronics technician back in the 70s, left the
    engineering side of things and went off and did something
    completely different, then after seven years retrained as an
    electrician and continued retraining, became a teacher while
    running a small electrical business and was invited to join the
    IEE. Soon after that it became the IET, which is perfect for all
    those Raspberry Pie enthusiasts.
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