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How Many of You are Female Fellows of the IET?

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

Have you found IET Fellowship beneficial?

How did you find the process?

  • Sorry - but soapbox time.  No I am not, and seems I never shall be.  Although I do a lot for the IET (and don't begrudge that), because I am not a researcher (breaking down the limits) or an educator (doing something remarkable to promote engineering) I shall never be a Fellow.

    It seems that if you are an engineer - doing your job (unless you have a LOT of spare time to do other things !!!)  then there is very little chance you could ever be a Fellow.

    Sorry - strong feelings about this.
  • Sorry - but soapbox time.  No I am not, and seems I never shall be.  Although I do a lot for the IET (and don't begrudge that), because I am not a researcher (breaking down the limits) or an educator (doing something remarkable to promote engineering) I shall never be a Fellow.

    It seems that if you are an engineer - doing your job (unless you have a LOT of spare time to do other things !!!)  then there is very little chance you could ever be a Fellow.

    Sorry - strong feelings about this.
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