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IET's CPD policy

Does the IET have a 'CPD policy'? I know when we have discussed CPD at various meetings, the subject gets very wooly indeed.

As a designer, I would say that my work is continuous CPD, but little of it is formally recognised as such. Certainly since I started thinking about CPD & Registration, I've kept a simple log of training courses & events, technical seminars & trade shows I've been involved in, which has grown into quite a catalogue now.

I guess I'm luckier than many engineers in more routine roles, who maybe have to dig a bit deeper to identify CPD items?
  • There's been a debate in the US as to whether there should be an obligation to demonstrate ongoing CPD to maintain registration. My concern would be who defines what CPD comprises and what sort of overhead it places upon busy engineers.

    If the IET were to put in place some system where tradeshow & seminar organisers and training providers provided a standard & recognisable (& verifiable) certificate of attendance & completion, I would certainly have a healthy portfolio. Some technical seminar organisers do issue named certificates, and I've always tried to keep hold of them, for no particular purpose.

    I do think the IET needs a more positive direction instead of just letting it drift and paying only lip service to CPD.
  • There's been a debate in the US as to whether there should be an obligation to demonstrate ongoing CPD to maintain registration. My concern would be who defines what CPD comprises and what sort of overhead it places upon busy engineers.

    If the IET were to put in place some system where tradeshow & seminar organisers and training providers provided a standard & recognisable (& verifiable) certificate of attendance & completion, I would certainly have a healthy portfolio. Some technical seminar organisers do issue named certificates, and I've always tried to keep hold of them, for no particular purpose.

    I do think the IET needs a more positive direction instead of just letting it drift and paying only lip service to CPD.
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