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PRA request declined

Hi all. I am currently filling in my application for CEng on Career Manager and am getting to the point where guidance from a PRA would be useful. I used the Find a PRA page on the IET site to request one but had a few days later on November 29th saying that the PRA they had found me had decided I did not have enough experience. No further details were given. The email said someone from the mentoring team would be in touch to get me setup with a mentor but I've not heard back on that.

My question is two-fold. Firstly, would it be appropriate to use the Find a PRA page again to ask for a different PRA, given that the first one refused? Secondly, I have a BEng, MSc and a couple of years of experience in industry, including in leadership roles. While I understand that this is a lot less experience than many CEng applicants, I have read several times that there is no particular set of qualifications or number of years of experience required. I am wondering what sort of experience they think I'm missing and how they would have come to that conclusion so I can fix it for next time (although I appreciate this is probably difficult to answer without seeing my Career Manager profile).



  • Good day William,

    I believe it isn't enough for a PRA to simply say a candidate require more experience. The PRA should refer to UK-SPEC as the baseline to explicitly identifying where gaps exist with candidate's application. This way the candidate will know exactly what further development is needed to become professionally registered. 

    Yours respectfully, 

    Ryan Collins 

  • Good day William,

    I believe it isn't enough for a PRA to simply say a candidate require more experience. The PRA should refer to UK-SPEC as the baseline to explicitly identifying where gaps exist with candidate's application. This way the candidate will know exactly what further development is needed to become professionally registered. 

    Yours respectfully, 

    Ryan Collins 

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