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CEng application - career change

Good morning all,

I am currently working on my CEng application but am imminently making a career change (have been in building services for years, now moving to wind energy).

My intention is to submit my application in the following months.

I appreciate main focus of the application needs to be the current role but considering the above, should i focus on my building services experience?

Any advice on the matter would be appreciated.

Thank you,


  • Hi,

    The main focus of your application needs to be on your engineering professional approach, not the technology you work with. 

    So changing technical area is somewhat irrelevant, the only impact will be that whereas normally your application concentrates on your current role at the time of application, in your case I'd suggest most of your words are about your immediately previous role (i.e. the one you're doing now). Because in your new role you will not have had time to gain much evidence of competence. 

    Of course, what this will give you is nice opportunities to show how you are developing your technical skills in your new area.

    So, others may disagree, but I would suggest you would write half a page on your new role, 1-2 pages on your current role (your last role by the time you apply), and then as usual less and less on roles previous to that.

    And best wishes for your new position!



  • The assessors and interviewers will be trying to establish competence as defined in EC Spec, and to do this they will look at the work you have done, the projects you have been involved with and the experience you have gained in doing them, over a number of years.  It is your personal experience and contribution that is important not the particular role that you are doing, and whether the experience is gained independently, as a team leader or as part of a team.

    If you have not already done so I advise you to seek the advice of a Professional Registration Advisor (PRA) they will be a help in completing your application; the IET registration team will be able to put you in touch with one.