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CPD Plan Report

I am applying for CEng and one of the requirements under the supporting documents requirements is the "Development Action Plan" so I have two questions?

How to apply the following instruction mentioned under help section of this part?

"If you use Career Manager to plan and record your CPD, create and upload a CPD Plan Report, including all active Goals and Activities that demonstrate forward planning (you should a select a future end date when creating your report)."

The second question is for how many future months/years should I prepare CPD goals for when applying for the CEng?

  • OK, I am going to avoid answering your first question on the grounds that if you are familiar enough with Career Manager to be able to enter all your forward career plans then you should also be familiar enough with it to be able to follow the instructions. If you don't know how to follow the instructions then perhaps you should consider preparing a DAP in Word or Excel.

    For the second question, my normal advice is to prepare with short term, medium term and long term goals. Short term is essentially the coming twelve months, medium term probably 2-4 years and long term is 5+ years. Think of it in terms of what are your immediate development needs, what do you need to develop for your next career move (whether promotion or new employer) and for long term where do you want your career to develop (e.g. do you want to move into management).

    Best wishes for success in your application,


  • OK, I am going to avoid answering your first question on the grounds that if you are familiar enough with Career Manager to be able to enter all your forward career plans then you should also be familiar enough with it to be able to follow the instructions. If you don't know how to follow the instructions then perhaps you should consider preparing a DAP in Word or Excel.

    For the second question, my normal advice is to prepare with short term, medium term and long term goals. Short term is essentially the coming twelve months, medium term probably 2-4 years and long term is 5+ years. Think of it in terms of what are your immediate development needs, what do you need to develop for your next career move (whether promotion or new employer) and for long term where do you want your career to develop (e.g. do you want to move into management).

    Best wishes for success in your application,

