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CEng Application - Evidence on Gaps

I have submitted my CEng application around a month ago. The IET has come back to me to ask/explain the gap (4 months) nearly a decade ago between my degree and start of work date where I was actively looking for a suitable role within my area of expertise. How to address this question in line with IET's rules (if there are any on this?). Plus, after I respond, how long it will take them to assess and come back to me to advise the next step of the process? Many thanks, Muhammed.

  • There ought not to have any unexplained gaps in your work experience. This is one of the intial checks completed prior to your application being sent for review against UK-SPEC. A holistic check of the application is completed to ensure there are no ambiguity, omissions or gaps.

    If you were unemployed after graduation for a period of time; state the facts in a concise manner. Even if you did volunteer work, express what learnings or experience you gained briefly. Valuable soft skills development can be attained from non-STEM roles; namely, document review, analysis, coordinating, planning, scheduling, coaching, mentoring etc. From the aforementioned, UK-SPEC competencies C, D or E may be credited if appropriately justified. 

  • There ought not to have any unexplained gaps in your work experience. This is one of the intial checks completed prior to your application being sent for review against UK-SPEC. A holistic check of the application is completed to ensure there are no ambiguity, omissions or gaps.

    If you were unemployed after graduation for a period of time; state the facts in a concise manner. Even if you did volunteer work, express what learnings or experience you gained briefly. Valuable soft skills development can be attained from non-STEM roles; namely, document review, analysis, coordinating, planning, scheduling, coaching, mentoring etc. From the aforementioned, UK-SPEC competencies C, D or E may be credited if appropriately justified. 
