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IENG Interview

After submitting my application , will I be assessed based on the submitted profile only or I get an interview after the application assessment ?

  • Hi Amir,

    Mainly the assessment will be on the application, you need to make sure your application covers all the evidence that you want to present. The interview is to support the information on the application, to give the panel confidence that you really have done what you said you have done, and clarify any last points on your application which the panel is unsure about.

    So assume your application stands on your profile alone. If this doesn't clearly provide evidence for all the competences you won't get as far as an interview!



  • Hi Amir,

    Mainly the assessment will be on the application, you need to make sure your application covers all the evidence that you want to present. The interview is to support the information on the application, to give the panel confidence that you really have done what you said you have done, and clarify any last points on your application which the panel is unsure about.

    So assume your application stands on your profile alone. If this doesn't clearly provide evidence for all the competences you won't get as far as an interview!



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