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IENG Interview

After submitting my application , will I be assessed based on the submitted profile only or I get an interview after the application assessment ?

  • Hi Amir,

    I am guessing that there is a typo in your question and that it should read "I get an interview on the assessment".

    Looking at your question I am not sure that you have fully appreciated the process, which may mean when you read Andy's response you don't necessarily understand it.

    The application form will be passed to an assessment panel who decide whether they think you are likely to be successful at a Professional Registration Interview (or not) and will therefore decide to either put you forward for interview or to reject you. Therefore as Andy says, you have to make sure your application provides the evidence needed and therefore your application should cover your whole career to date. The assessors may suggest that certain areas of your application should be investigated in more detail to fully clarify that you meet the competences which the interviewers will do, but this will not be something that you will be told about and if done you may not even be aware that this is happening. However the interviewers may also look at other bits of work you have done that you might mention in the interview (such as projects undertaken between the submission of the application and the interview which will obviously not be included in the application).

    I would add one more thing that Andy hasn't mentioned (unusually as it is something he would normally recommend) and that is get in touch with a Professional Registration Advisor to help you through the process. It really pays dividends (and is free).



  • I would add one more thing that Andy hasn't mentioned (unusually as it is something he would normally recommend) and that is get in touch with a Professional Registration Advisor to help you through the process. It really pays dividends (and is free).

    Absolutely...unfortunately I finished my post a bit quickly this morning as I suddenly realised I was supposed to be in a meeting!

  • I would add one more thing that Andy hasn't mentioned (unusually as it is something he would normally recommend) and that is get in touch with a Professional Registration Advisor to help you through the process. It really pays dividends (and is free).

    Absolutely...unfortunately I finished my post a bit quickly this morning as I suddenly realised I was supposed to be in a meeting!

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