Technical Writing Packages

G'day all,

Does anyone have any advice on technical writing packages ?

I am about to finish a languages degree and want to combine it with my engineering background to develop into tehcnical writing. I am hoping for some recommendations on software I can look into. 



  • I would agree with Andy.

    I have never seen LaTeX being used outside of academia.  Microsoft Word is very common,  It actually has a pretty sophisticated equation editor built in, if that's what you need.  For drawing pretty diagrams, Microsoft Visio is better - and the diagrams can be imported into Word.  But Visio is an add-on to Office, so it's an extra cost.

    For specialist things (e.g. UML diagrams), you're usually better off using the relevant tools, then exporting the diagrams as pictures, and importing them into your Word document.  Use lossless formats, such as PNG, not JPEG, if at all possible.

    LibreOffice is a free alternative to Microsoft Office.  It can handle Office file formats, but the formatting can sometimes suffer when converting back and forth between MS Office and LibreOffice.

    You'd also want to be familiar with Adobe Acrobat and MS PowerPoint.

    Where I work, we also use IBM DOORS for anything relating to requirements.  But that's pretty niche.

  • Cheers Mark,

    I'm pretty familiar with microsoft except not so much with Adobe Acrobat and Visio - I will have a look-see and get more familar with them.  

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