CEng Self assessment

I am validating a self assessment for a CEng application and wondering how to pitch it. Any advice would be welcome.

  • Hi,

    So we can help, can you explain a bit more - in particular what is your role in relation to the applicant? Manager, colleague, mentor etc?



  • Hi Andy - I am colleague who is helping him through the CEng process.

    He has completed his self assessment as part of the application process and named me as a validator for it. There are 4K characters available to me and don’t want to do him a disservice.

    What I am not sure of is how to pitch my validation. 

  • Hi Hedley, the self-assessment tool is more for preparation than for specific sign off of the application so your comments can be general.

    If they are still in the competence development stage (i.e. not ready) then comments on any areas that are not quite there, that aren't clear or that need evidence will be useful or any areas where you would question the validity of statements, or it is not clear.

    If the applicant is using this for a final report for submission, some general comments of support are useful but not required (the sign off for the application is done elsewhere) and as it doesn't need to be verified, anything that is helpful can be added to the comments.

  • Hi Hedley, the self-assessment tool is more for preparation than for specific sign off of the application so your comments can be general.

    If they are still in the competence development stage (i.e. not ready) then comments on any areas that are not quite there, that aren't clear or that need evidence will be useful or any areas where you would question the validity of statements, or it is not clear.

    If the applicant is using this for a final report for submission, some general comments of support are useful but not required (the sign off for the application is done elsewhere) and as it doesn't need to be verified, anything that is helpful can be added to the comments.

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