Is scheduling for a PRI supposed to take this long?

I'm not sure what's going on but I was told close to the beginning of the year my application was passed onto the interview team who should contact me to arrange. I still haven't heard anything over 15 weeks later, and its now been 25 weeks since I initially submitted my application (I was told a 20-22 week lead time was standard).

I feel that this is quite disappointing that no one has even proposed any availability or even reached out to apologise for the delay. I had quite a lot of respect for the IET initially, but I feel that the way this process is handled is not the best and doesn't instil confidence. Some of my colleagues have applied for CEng through the IMechE, and have put in applications after mine, been interviewed and received their confirmation all before I have even had an interview date. It's slightly upsetting as I committed my own money to the application when many things are not exactly affordable at the moment - it's not the easiest thing to forgo 200 quid at the moment. 

Is this normal with the IET or does it sound like there is an issue with my application or the processing?

  • George,


    First of all, may I apologise for the lengthy delay you have experienced in waiting for your PRI date.

    This is not typical and does not indicate any difficulty with your assessment, and we will be looking to expedite a date urgently.

    By way of background, you may be aware the assessment is conducted by peer review, and we are totally reliant on the availability of the excellent IET volunteers to review and interview applicants.    It is also worth noting that to be compliant with the regulations for registration we must also match the expertise of the applicant with that of the volunteers.  

    Post pandemic the number of volunteers engaged in registration processes has reduced, and for those still volunteering the time they are able to offer to volunteer has also reduced, which is reflected in our ability to process applications at the same rate that we could before and during the pandemic.  

    For now, I will investigate your application and provide you with an update as quickly as possible (I believe the PRI team may have already been in touch).

    Meanwhile, please be assured that we are reviewing our processes and looking to reduce the current lead time and do appreciate this does not help you now.

    Once again, I apologise for the delays you have experienced to date.


    Glenn Atkins
    Professional Registration Operations Manager

  • Many thanks for your reply Glenn, I appreciate your response.

    I actually received a response from the prof reg team this morning - interview is now scheduled for the 8th of June so looks like a swift resolution was achieved. I guess it must've got stuck somewhere and needed a bit of manual intervention to resolve. 

    Thank you for your promise to look into things, much appreciated! Looks like things have been resolved now though.

    All the best,


  • Many thanks for your reply Glenn, I appreciate your response.

    I actually received a response from the prof reg team this morning - interview is now scheduled for the 8th of June so looks like a swift resolution was achieved. I guess it must've got stuck somewhere and needed a bit of manual intervention to resolve. 

    Thank you for your promise to look into things, much appreciated! Looks like things have been resolved now though.

    All the best,


  • I had been made aware today and spoke to the PRI Team who said they were going to contact you, happy to hear it has already happened.

    I hope that your interview goes well, if you need any additional support to prepare, please let us know.

    Again, apologies for the delay.



  • Hi Glenn, 

    I'm in a similar position as George where I submitted my application late January, waited until mid April to get a request for further evidence, submitted this in May and received confirmation that the panel had approved my application and passed it to PRI on the 21st of June. I've now been waited over 2 weeks for a response from regarding a waiting time as its approaching 24 weeks since the initial application. 

    Could you provide any updates or advice on how to proceed with this? 

    Best Regards, 


  • Ryan,

    I have asked that a member of the PRI team contacts you to provide an update.    There is no reason why your original email was not responded to and I am looking into this also.


  • Hi Ryan,

      I just want to provide my CEng application process timeline for your reference:

    • 03 Jan 2023: Submitted CEng application 
    • 31 Jan 2023: IET requested for additional information
    • 14 Mar 2023: Passed Pre-Interview Assessment Panel
    • 01 June 2023: IET contacted via phone and email to confirm the interview date
    • 02 June 2023: I confirmed the date of the interview via email at
    • 06 July 2023: PRI day, which took about 1 hour via Zoom
    • 20 July 2023: Received CEng confirmation from IET

    Best regards,

  • Hi YY, 

    Thanks for sharing this information. The PRI team contacted me immediately after   had asked them to regarding my availability for the interview which was promising. However, almost 2 weeks later and still no date offered or confirmed.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Ryan,
    According to the notes on the system due to your availability a date after 29th August (for PRI) will be offered.  One would expect that to be confirmed in the next 2 weeks as volunteers are secured.  If you have any queries I would advise contacting Karen again (who emailed you previously).

  • Hi Glenn 

    I think IET need to collect others application together and then hold the interview together. And they need to reserve the venus appointment to interviewers and so on. So that sometimes the application a little delay. 

    I hope that you understand the actual situation from IET. 


    Matthew CHAN