Hey everyone not so much of a questions but I am currently studying an NVQ and I've been thinking of doing a HNC and HND and maybe even all the way up to a master's degree but I was wondering from people who have maybe done this or atleast the HNC and HND is it really worth it and what kind of jobs could you potentially look at from doing these? 

  • Heya, 
    It is really a personal decision, that will mostly be based on your own career.
    I can say that I myself started as an apprentice a completed a NVQ
    I then went on to do a HNC part time 
    Finishing with a degree (ENG Hon) -  part time 

    I would stress that my path worked best for me as I was working full time, and needed the 'top up' qualifications to progress.
    For me it was worth it, as my personality and career best suited this route.

    I would say think about what you are trying to achieve and why. Then do the route that works for you

  • Heya, 
    It is really a personal decision, that will mostly be based on your own career.
    I can say that I myself started as an apprentice a completed a NVQ
    I then went on to do a HNC part time 
    Finishing with a degree (ENG Hon) -  part time 

    I would stress that my path worked best for me as I was working full time, and needed the 'top up' qualifications to progress.
    For me it was worth it, as my personality and career best suited this route.

    I would say think about what you are trying to achieve and why. Then do the route that works for you

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