CEng Application - Additional details/evidence are required

After it took 3 months for my application review process, I got the following reply from IET:

I am writing with regards to your CEng application that you have submitted, the Pre-Assessment Panel requested to see some further evidence from you. 

They have requested that you provide some further project examples for competences A and B. Please could you focus on one or two technical projects and cover the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result), providing greater detail in these areas, please could you go into Career Manager and complete the evidence (UK-SPEC doc attached for examples). 

Please complete a self assessment for the following sections of the UK-Spec framework:

A. Knowledge and Understanding
B. Design, development and solving engineering problems"
Please advise how to proceed. 
Shall I elaborate my previously listed projects/tasks more? Or add a new project/tasks to show the A and B competencies.

  • Hello Ahmed, as I understand it, the IET does not normally reject an application but rather asks for further detail to expand on what you've already submitted. In your case, I believe they are asking you to complete the UK Self Assessment Spec on the IET Career Manager page, specifically competencies A & B to support your application. For each one, I'd aim for 500/700 words giving 2/3 examples of the competency in line with the mentioned STAR Technique. If you're still unsure or want further advice I'd recommend contacting the IET or a PRA directly who will be on hand to support. All the best and good luck with the application! 

  • Hello Ahmed, as I understand it, the IET does not normally reject an application but rather asks for further detail to expand on what you've already submitted. In your case, I believe they are asking you to complete the UK Self Assessment Spec on the IET Career Manager page, specifically competencies A & B to support your application. For each one, I'd aim for 500/700 words giving 2/3 examples of the competency in line with the mentioned STAR Technique. If you're still unsure or want further advice I'd recommend contacting the IET or a PRA directly who will be on hand to support. All the best and good luck with the application! 

  • Hello Andrew, 

    Thanks for your reply. 

    I will consult a PRA for advice.

    The issue now is that the self assessment is divided into subcategories, so it may not be feasible to give all the examples using the STAR technique (for example, A1 and B3).

    I can give examples but not necessarily using the STAR technique in all. Please advise with your recommendation in this regard.

    Additionally, do you recommend to elaborate my previously mentioned projects or to mention new projects?


  • Hello Ahmed, if they haven't said which parts of A and B need further examples I'd guess all would need completing. The only way to be sure would be to contact the IET themselves. 

    If you're unsure about what evidence to provide to any of the competencies you can find typical examples of evidence provided by the IET within the Self Assessment checker on Career Manager. E.g. A1 "Your evidence may include examples of how you have undertaken formal training related to your role".

    I'd recommend clarifying which parts of A & B need more evidence with the IET and then registering for a PRA session to select the project experience that suits the competency best, this should give you the most relevant examples of evidence to provide. 

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks Andrew