Engineering career in Germany


My parents are originally from Germany, and I moved to the States for my studies. As they are getting older, I'm considering moving back to take care of them while pursuing my academic studies. My father never was able to get a higher education for himself, as he was a florist in Germany, but he always pushed me to follow my passion for engineering. Today I'm bilingual and I'm wondering if a career in Germany is realistic. I don't know how many opportunities there are in Europe let alone Germany.... are companies recruiting as much as they are here in the States?

Thank you


  • It may depend on which particular area of engineering you are in. I am British and have been working in Switzerland for some time and generally see quite a few engineering vacancies. Have a look online.

  • It may depend on which particular area of engineering you are in. I am British and have been working in Switzerland for some time and generally see quite a few engineering vacancies. Have a look online.

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