CEng PRI following feedback

Hello everyone,

I had my PRI on September 15, 2023, and after that, I had received an email stating that the decision will come about 6 to 8 weeks after the interview. Up to this point, I hadn't heard any updates regarding my CEng PRI status. So, if anyone that has PRI recently in 2023, how long does it often take to get feedback about the panel's decision?.



  • Some applicants I've had have had a quicker response than that, but best to assume 6-8 weeks. The PRI panel don't make the decision, they only make a recommendation. It needs to go through a final panel review.

    Because the panel members are volunteers. it does take time to get the panels together. But it is much quicker than it was pre-covid now that it is done on line.



  • Many thanks Andy, I appreciate your prompt response. 



  • Dear Andy, 

    Do you think it will be beneficial if I send a kind reminder inquiring about the final panel review status?



  • Hi Ahmed,

    As it is only 5 weeks since your interview I can't imagine that you will get a reply other than "we will usually respond within 6-8 weeks of the interview".

    If you haven't heard by 10th November it would be worth asking if there is any progress.



  • Thank you very much, I will.



Reply Children
  • Hi Ahmed, 

    How long did it take in the end? 



  • Hi Thomas,

    I see that you've got your CEng already.. how long did you have to wait after the PRI before you got any feedback?

  • Hi Izzat, I received mine extremely quickly - about a week. There is no confirmation from IET on this, but I think they have monthly review meetings, and you can get lucky and have one close to your review, or you could be unlucky and it be 4 weeks and they might not get to your application if there are several, so it would end up at 6-10 weeks. Good luck! 

  • Hi Thomas,

    Its been 8 weeks and I still have not received any feedback yet. Tried asking them, but their answer was it was still in the review of the post panel. Not sure how much longer its going to take. But looking at all the other cases where they received feedback pretty much quickly, makes me start to have bad feelings about my results.

  • Hi,

    Please don't assume anything - an obvious fail is easy and will be communicated quickly! It may be that there's a discussion going on, or it may be that it's taking time to convene the final panel (it's not the interview panel who make the final decision).

    Hang in there,
