Good afternoon All

I am doing some research on use of the IET Career Manager.

I would appreciate your views on how user friendly it is, if you have used it your experiences both good and bad please?

I am particularly interested in using it for professional registration.

Thanks in anticipation.


  • Just to pick up on Andy's comments re the self assessment.   You may hear this often referred to as a self check that applicants can do against the 17 competencies required.

    As a moderator that chairs the Pre pri panels, I am more than happy to read any information provided by applicants including attaching any ASR that they may have produced. (You have the option to do this in CM)  Its a bit like attaching your workings to a problem.  Often the detail included answers queries from the career history and stops us asking for additional information. 

    The latest PRA training  from the IET encourages PRAs to work with applicants to produce this self check and to attach it to the application. 

  • Thanks Gerard.

    I now understand the procedure better. Thanks for all you do to support the oncoming generation of engineers. 

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