Advice required for CEng Career Manager please?


I have a couple of questions regarding filling in information for CEng in Career Manager, hopefully members can assist or advise.

Firstly, I want to use examples from when I completed my PhD to meet the criteria, however within the qualification part of Career Manager there is no space to write descriptions. This is only available in the Work Experience section. I propose making a second entry in Work Experience covering my PhD period and describing my evidence there? Is this acceptable? Does anyone have any other advice for using Academic experience within the CEng process?

Secondly, I have seen some examples on the internet whereby within the Work Experience section, the criteria being referred to is mentioned directly in the text, similar to referencing. To describe what I mean here is a fictitious example:

"I delivered an internal company-wide presentation regarding best practices in Health and Safety to 250 colleagues (D2/E2)".

In the example I am trying to provide evidence related to the D2 and E2 categories. Is this a style that is preferred or is it discouraged?

Many thanks in advance.

  • The cross referencing can and does work provided it is used correctly.  Not per sentence etc.  Perhaps after a paragraph?   RE you evidence, why not complete a self assessment in CM?  You can enter examples under each criteria and then attach this to your application.  You do need to weave your ASR content into the career history too.. 

  • The cross referencing can and does work provided it is used correctly.  Not per sentence etc.  Perhaps after a paragraph?   RE you evidence, why not complete a self assessment in CM?  You can enter examples under each criteria and then attach this to your application.  You do need to weave your ASR content into the career history too.. 
