Professional Status in Micro Companies

Can Professional Status and/or Fellowship be gained in Micro Companies?

Do Entrepreneurs and Freelance Creators have harder routes to gaining accreditation?

Does Company size make Continued professional Development difficult.

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Do you mean "Does a micro company size make Continued professional Development difficult"? No

    I like the easy questions...of course "in what way", "why" and "is there anything we need to / can do about it" are more interesting questions...

    And sorry for the rather trite reply, I think it's because this appears to be posted by a company rather than an individual, if you could explain why you are asking you may get more helpful replies (I could write a short, or maybe not so short, book on these subjects...the differences in engineering career development in different size companies, and the professional impact of this, is a bit of a pet subject of mine).

  • Why is it "yes" to the second question?  I would have thought it was easier for an entrepreneur or freelancer to show how they manage engineering projects, when compared with someone who is only a cog in a large company.

  • The engineering / management responsibilities within a micro / SME company can be demanding and in many cases the work is completed on behalf of other companies.

    The work can be documented and CPD documentation completed.

    However regarding professional Engineering status:

    Do Micro Companies need Approved Employer Status?

    Does the preferred requirement for an IET registered supporter(not Mandatory) of your Expertise and Experience for C.Eng status become a difficult hurdle?

    In consideration of the above, does the route to professional status become even longer and more protracted in a micro company?

  • If you mean "accreditation" for the employer, then you don't need it.  Individuals can apply for CEng/IEng/EngTech by themselves.  It only matters if you have some kind of accredited training plan for your employees.

    Anybody applying needs someone to sign their application.  It doesn't have to be an employee of the same organisation.  That makes it easier, but I would hope that a small company/freelancer would have enough contacts to find somebody.