What's holding you back from applying for Professional Registration?

At the IET we often hear from those applying for Professional Registration that they've been meaning to apply for years, but haven't quite got around to it for a variety of reasons.

If you've been meaning to apply but haven't yet, tell us what's holding you back.  

  • I have been an IET (IEE) member for quite a few years. I joined when I felt that I had reached the required level of competence/responsibility. The process at this time was fairly simple, the main problem was finding sponsors and seconders.

    As I was working for a major electric wire and cable manufacturer at the time this was a little surprising but I think it highlights one of the main problems:

    IET membership is not actually relevant to most industries.

    I am not aware of anything I actually need to be MIET CEng to do. I have to have my radiation safety qualifications otherwise my employer is not allowed to operate the facilities. This requires me to have a science or engineering degree. Others will need specific (usually safety) qualifications to carry out various tasks but MIET is not a requirement.

    In other lands there are specific ‘Professional Engineer’ requirements but these don’t seems to apply in Europe.

    How could I persuade a bright young engineer to take the time to apply for IET when she/he is building up their career, dealing with buying houses, starting families, etc. What is the relevance?

  • i agree with this and this is a conversation I've had many time, and not just with young engineers.

    Ultimately the Engineering Council and the professional institutions need to work on the perceived value of professional registration. There are a few niche areas where a CEng is required. But otherwise, its a nice to have. For many companies is largely irrelevant. Its only when you get into consultancy areas, where a client might ask about the profiles of the engineers that are proposed to work on the project, that the desire for professional registered staff tends to drive employers to better support/encourage it..

    At this point, we are largely in the personal benefits, such as how it tend to make you think about how you develop yourself and how you present yourself. But those sort of skills can be developed without professional registration.

    I'm firmly of the opinion that the horse has already bolted on the subject of making engineer a protected title - which seems to be many peoples answer to the problem.

  • Inclined to agree- I do not belong, and it has not been any hindrance in a long and varied, and still ongoing consultancy career.  It is not something on the customer RADAR,. Folk ask about the qualifications, sure, and the sort of recent jobs and publications stuff (more of this and less of the qualification stuff as you get older). What bodies do I belong to ? Never been asked. (I've been asked to show my driving licence more often and that is only a few times this century... maybe my driving has calmed down.)

    If the IET had a profile like the BMA it would be different. but when is the last time someone from the IET was on the 6 O'clock news offering the opinion of the profession after some accident or other, or to comment on the results of  the latest research ? I lack a reason to shell out to join an  organization not many folk have heard of - except on here of course ;-)


  • Inclined to agree- I do not belong, and it has not been any hindrance in a long and varied, and still ongoing consultancy career.  It is not something on the customer RADAR,. Folk ask about the qualifications, sure, and the sort of recent jobs and publications stuff (more of this and less of the qualification stuff as you get older). What bodies do I belong to ? Never been asked. (I've been asked to show my driving licence more often and that is only a few times this century... maybe my driving has calmed down.)

    If the IET had a profile like the BMA it would be different. but when is the last time someone from the IET was on the 6 O'clock news offering the opinion of the profession after some accident or other, or to comment on the results of  the latest research ? I lack a reason to shell out to join an  organization not many folk have heard of - except on here of course ;-)


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