Length of my CEng application is 14 pages

Guys I am in the process of applying for my CEng but my total application length is 14 pages which is above the total length. Its hard for me to reduce my application as it stands. This length includes everything including my training and CPDs. Is this going to be a problem?

  • May I ask how long your actual career history is?  This should be in the region of 5-7 pages long. The rest can be supporting material.  A long application with a career history of 14 pagers runs a real risk of being returned to you as being too long. Its not reasonable to ask assessors to read though a 14 page career history. 

  • Thanks for responding. So my career is 11 years so far. The actual employment history was 8 pages long and my CPD took almost two pages.

    Also  I made a mistake clicking the verification option and now I can't edit anymore. Its in read-only. Do you know if this is something they can release for me to edit and make changes?  

  • Thanks for responding. So my career is 11 years so far. The actual employment history was 8 pages long and my CPD took almost two pages.

    Also  I made a mistake clicking the verification option and now I can't edit anymore. Its in read-only. Do you know if this is something they can release for me to edit and make changes?  
